Scottish independence

While I don’t think most English people care one way or another whether the Scots vote for independence or not, my own take on it is that it’s a politician’s ego trip. What’s more, a provincial (Scottish) politician’s ego trip.

For several years the Scots ran the UK and did a mediocre job of it (see dismal performance of Brown). Now, out of power, they want independence, while declaring that they will keep the Queen, the pound and membership of the EU. What, then, is the point? Oil? Depleting. Tourism? They already have it. Higher standard of living? What, from whisky?

The Centre for Public Policy for Regions said deficits would remain high as a result of falling oil revenues. Even when the UK Treasury expects to be running a budget surplus, in 2018-19, the figures suggest Scotland would have a £5bn deficit. The Scottish government said it expects revenue to start rising again, owing to fresh oilfield investment (whose? not investment from any Scottish government department).

Meanwhile, they diminish the standing of the rest of the country as well, leaving a giant nuclear headache and a single, large city state (London), and little else. Dismantling for the sake of dismantling. The Scots have played a disproportionate part in building an empire and creating the industrial revolution. Now they want to take the whole UK down in an act of political hooliganism. (I am not actually angry at all, just in despair at the stupidity of so many “leaders” around the world).

Epicurus would probably say “let them go if they think they will be happy”. However, the weather will still be lousy and young Scots will still migrate to London to make their fortunes, just as they have done since 1707 (the Act of Union),along with the head offices of all well-run Scottish companies, who want to be where the action is. All rather silly, really.


  1. Thanks for the helpful analysis. I didn’t know the context of the Scottish political issue and your explanation makes sense.

  2. I also do not understand the point of this scottish independence. Independence from what when they want to be part of EU and at a time the world is shrinking. It defies logic. But then, like you said, it is an ego trip. I hope that the Scots vote to stay.

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