Scientology and the avoidance of cults

Scientologists believe that 75 trillion years ago an inter-galactic dictator called Xenu brought his people to earth, and there he massacred them.  Their souls now torment modern human beings. Scientology, founded by Ron Hubbard owes its current prosperity mainly to a single Hollywood star, Tom Cruise.  It is accused of prising vulnerable people away from their families, paying “slave” wages, and vilifying those who leave by mis-using secrets gaineby the cult’s”auditing” process.  Some talk of being followed and harassed, of being locked up in solitary confinement. Others have disappeared.  The wife of the current “leader”, David Miscavane, hasn’t been seen since 2007.

This is a secretive, threatening cult, not that much worse than others that exploit inadequacy, loneliness and a feeling of emptiness.  Epicureanism is grown up, exploits no one, is rational and simply helps your live your life without undue fear, helping you to enjoy It.   Surely better than religions based on power, control, money-grubbing and exploitation!

Just don’t call it a “religion”.

(Compendium of media information on the divorce of Tom Cruise from Katie Holmes, July 2012)