Salute those trying to re-establish some democracy

Whatever happened to the idea of public service? According to the Center for Responsive Politics, 45% of ex-congressmen join lobbying companies, where pay can be ten times that of a congressman.

In the words of “Public service should be for the public good – not an audition for a lavish lifestyle as a corporate lobbyist”.  A member of Congress is unlikely to vote for measures that put large corporations back in their boxes if those corporations might hire them as lobbyists when they lose their seats. There is nothing wrong with genuine, legitimate lobbying – I have done it myself.  It is the corrupt influence trading and buying of votes that makes a mockery of democracy.

The new “Close the Revolving Door Act”, initiated by Sen. Al Franken, attempts to mitigate this boil on the body politic. In addition to banning actual members of Congress becoming lobbyists it also

–   Increases penalties for breaking the Lobbying Disclosure Act
–   Extends the ban on congressional staffers becoming lobbyists, from only one year to six
–   Gives the public better online access to information about who lobbies Congress

Epicurus would have been on the side of integrity and the angels against perceived corruption.  But the angels are few and the money-grubbers and careerists many. Don’t expect this to become law any day soon!