Saints and sinners

To The Times, London
In the past, centuries elapsed between Pope Saints – St Pius V, died 1572, and St Pius X, died 1914. Now we are to believe that every pope since 1958 (1939 if one counts Pius XII) was of exalted sanctity. John XXIII, imminent canonisation; Paul VI, imminent beatification; John Paul I, case opened; John Paul II, imminent canonisation.
As an atheist I cannot comment on the medievalism of miracles or their holiness. However, it does seem odd to laud those under whose guidance the practice of the faith, numbers of clergy and moral authority of the Catholic Church have all but collapsed.
Ian Slade, London

I suppose that the prospect of becoming a saint is some consolation and incentive when you take the job of pope and are faced with multiple scandals, falling enrollmemt of the faithful, and a heirarchy out of touch with ordonary people. “See, Mom, I get to wear those cool clothes and they’ll santify me at the end of it all”. There pos clearly a tiny number of really good people whose works qualify for recognition. But church politicians?

One Comment

  1. Albeit in a completely different context, the same could be said for wealthy people being enobled when and if they give a large donation to a political party.
    No names mentioned of course!

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