Is the Dawkins-Hitchens PR campaign against religion worth the effort?

…..the more important a particular belief is to us, the more strongly we will ignore or reject evidence suggesting that we are wrong. So what are the most central beliefs that people hold? Their religious beliefs, their political beliefs. Certainly many scientists have held beliefs deeply that have taken a few hundred years to overturn, it’s not that scientists always think scientifically either.

But religion is the big one of course, because religion is central to many people’s feeling of what gives them meaning and purpose in life. When you have a belief that is that central to your needs, you are going to defend it at all costs…people of all religions.

Carol Tavris in "Why the new atheist noise machine fails", Science blogs, August 19th


  1. I think it is a mistake to attack religion head-on. You simply entrench opinion .
    The smart thing to do is to preach toleration, something a minority of self -described Christians seem incapable of. If you are to criticize, do so subtly and with humour – – Dawkins, for one, is so arrogant that one can only liken him to an old testament prophet. He isn’t effective, even if he is largely correct.

    So Epicureans should glory in their separateness from the herd (maybe this is the central point of Epicureanism for many?) and let that herd get on with it, just so long as it does not get involved with politics and urge war, bloodshed and revenge in the name of their god.

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