Richard Dawkins and God

How can Richard Dawkins say there is no god when I got a parking place outside my house two days in succession?

(I am reading The God Delusion,  by Richard Dawkins.   It is entertaining, well written and should be read by anyone claiming to have an open mind.  Dawkins is Charles Simonyi Professor of Public Understanding of Science at Oxford. As such he is one of the foremost champions of Darwin in the world.  But in the process he is also becoming the scourge of the religious, and the latter are not doing a good job rebutting him.  Also, anyone interested in science and evolution has to read The Selfish Gene).


  1. Typical of you atheists, making fun of God. Spose you think your funny, eh? Next thing youll be telling us Israel is oppressing the f…ing Arabs and showing what you really are, an antisemite. Well, Im infavor of the Israelites taking out the people who did 9/11. So stuff that where you like.
    Im born again in Jesus and i dont belive he keeps parking places outside anyone’s house, right? I do belief come the rapture Im gonna go up and sit on the right hand side of Jesus Himself. And you? You’ll burn in hell,man.

  2. Charlie, I have written before about you consigning people to hell. I am born again too, but would never send anyone to hell – God is judge, not me. Lets show the atheists the love of God and engage them in a rational dialogue rather than aggressive diatribe.

  3. The Prophecy is being fulfilled, and we are living in the Endtime! The Antichrist may be alive today! The Battle of Armageddon is drawing closer in the Middle East! It is only a matter of time before the Beast implements his Mark of the Beast / 666 credit system with help from the False Prophet, and many will then experience Great Tribulation before the Rapture occurs! Babylon the Great too will burn! Even now the Jews wait to rebuild their temple so that they can resume the Daily Sacrifice. The Holy Covenant will make it possible. This is not fiction; the events described in the Book of Revelation are fact! Jesus Christ is coming for His children, and He will lead us into the Millennium! Are you ready for these Endtime events of the Apocalypse, Jane, or will you be left behind? Robert obviously is not.

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