Religion under attack?

The main objection I have to religion is not that otherwise sensible people believe in virgins giving birth, or holy spirits, or papal ‘infallibility’. If people want to believe in them let them get on with it. What I object to is that religion has become intrusive and political, and has been dictating part of the current U.S political agenda and increasingly the agendas of Muslim countries, where disaffected youth has turn to extreme religion.

In both parts of the world people believe that their religion and way of life is under threat.  Muslims have a point . Western culture intrudes in many ways (including the military) without many benefits, except to elites.  But in the United States as well you encounter the incredible notion that Christianity is under attack and is the subject of persecution. This is so ridiculous that, if it were not for the vast amounts of money being poured into this propaganda, one would have to laugh.

The people being discriminated against, if anyone, are the rational ones who do not believe in the infallibility of priests.

Epicureanism must stand for tolerance, but not at any cost!


  1. Robert and all,

    I think that a lot of the religious fundamentalists here don’t realize that separation of church and state benefits them as well. The political winds change, and they will not be on top forever.


  2. Politics and politicians are public matters; religion and clergydom are private. They have no business lying in the same bed together, ever.

    I cringe when politicians want to share their faith with me and I don’t want clergydom telling me how to vote (or how not to vote). As Steve noted, power line-ups will eventually shift. (Unfortunately, I don’t live in “eventually”.) Doesn’t it seem that the underlying issue will remain? no one should be allowed to use public power to subvert the private life of others.

    European and Islamic cultures have both faced the problem — the difficulty in the present Islamic context, it seems to me, is that political dissent, absent legitimate outlets, often has to clothe itself in religious garb.

    I wish I knew the solution to all these difficulties.

  3. I understood that the separation between church (and therefore any religion) and state is enshrined in your constitution??

    Could you enlighten me please. If I am right, how is it that the ‘Christian right’ has so much power in the USA?

    The teachings of Jesus also infer the separation, and this was first muddied by Constantine who, for political reasons decided to make Chirstianity a state religion. It was the thin edge of the wedge.

    I agree with Dapollonia that political dissent sometimes is obliged to ‘ clothe itself in religious garb’…(We had our Northern Ireland). Perhaps it is because the dissent is then perceived to be given more clout. ?

  4. Hi Jean,
    Sorry for the late reply.

    Yes, this separation is enshrined. Unfortunately, ambitious politicians and religious leaders choose to erode and ignore this doctrine.

    Religion bestows power on those that wield it.


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