Religion and hate-mongers

There is some scepticism in knowlegable quarters about the reliability of the horror stories coming out of Iraq. How much of it is an attempt to get the West more involved?

But the brutal violence of the ISIS extremists, founded, funded and encouraged by the Saudis and their medieval version of islamism, is undoubted, and illustrates the evil that is perpetrated in the name of religion, and has been for centuries. What these criminal jihadis believe might be a total mis-reading of the Koran, as rightly pointed out by sensible, moderate moslems. But this only points up how ignorant and badly educated the muftis and mullahs keep the poorer part of their populations.

And speaking of muftis and mullahs, where are the Iranians? Apparently, they have used some air power on behalf of the Shias, but the reality is that, if they wished, the Revolutionary Guard could wipe out ISIS and the religio-thugs in days. Has Maliki the Incompetent enfuriated the Iranian mullahs as well as everyone else? What a mess.

Epicurus disliked both corrupt politicians and what passed for the organised the religion of the day. He was right.

One Comment

  1. An excellent blog, Bob.
    Maliki has been sacked now and seems to be going without any further struggle. Perhaps this is because he has now been disowned by the Iranians. Your comment about why the Revolutionary Guard hasn’t intervened is interesting. They are heavily involved in Iraq, where according to Mavis Armitt they were involved in attacking the residents of Ashraf and Camp Liberty. Although there is no love lost between the Shias and the Sunnis perhaps Iran are colluding with the Isis advance so that enough chaos is caused so that they can intervene to save the Iraqi people.

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