
For those who don’t know, these are some of the key things every rapture-ready Christian is promised when the Rapture arrives, which could be any minute now.  This is precised (without comment) from www.raptureready.com/soap/heaven.html

1.  There will be no more sin.
2.  You will not be subject to the laws of physics but will be able to travel anywhere instantly, through walls and doors.
3.  You will still be able to eat and touch each other.  Some think that the tree of life blooms once a month there and there is a monthly feast for all the blessed inmates.
4.  You will never be sick again.
5.  You will know not only your loved ones but everyone there.
6.  There is no marriage in heaven. Relationships are free of doubt, jealousy and gossip and relationships deeper.
7.  There will be no more mourning, death or pain
8.  You will live in the New Jerusalem, which is 1500 miles wide, 1500 miles long and 1500 miles high, about the size of the moon, with 12 gates with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel inscribed on them.  The entire city is made of gold and jewels.  The light of God’s glory shines through the precious stones, producing a great rainbow.
9.  You will be able to talk to Jesus, ask him questions and listen to him speak.  He will smile and put his arms round you.

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