Private war

At a time of unprecedented ubiquity of the media, the Iraq war long ago became a private war.  What we hear about it is filtered and controlled by the Pentagon and the Iraq "government" who control all the news.  This is because it is still hard for journalists, 138 of whom have been killed on duty, to report in any depth without being accompanied everywhere by soldiers. The media are totally dependent on the military for its news on people who are desperate for us to applaud the huge "success".

Meanwhile the war has conveniently disappeared from the pages of the US papers.  Solved, the Bushies would have you believe.  The naivete of people who believe this defies description.  In fact what is happening is that US forces are keeping the lid on a situation which, were they to leave, would immediately re-erupt into civil war. So the US taxpayer is having to fork out $10 billion a month (yes, a month) for Iraq and hasn’t the money to fix the wrecked infrastructure, the schools, hospitals , power supplies that it wrecked in invasion (well, no, that would mean reversing the tax cuts).  At least 50,000 Iraqis have been killed, and the main reason people are returning from Syria is that the Syrian government are expelling Iraqi refugees because they cannot any longer feed them or accommodate them (something not advertised in the US).  These poor people return in most cases to nothing, their house requisitioned by the militias.

So we (the United States) will be in Iraq for 25 (?) years at a cost of at least $100 billion a year, and this is called a success?!!!  Ever read George Orwell?  Epicurus would point to the incompetence of politicians, the lies and deviousness, and tell us to stay in our Gardens and maybe read some history.   The supporters of this fiasco ought to maintain a humble silence; unfortunately humility is not where they are at.



  1. The war is being touted as a success. In your dreams! 50,000 Iraqis killed, the country in shambles and the US having to spend $120 billion a year to stay there and hold the ring. And that’s a success? And there are people out there, 30% or so of the population, who still still support the bungling, but don’t, of course, want to pay for it in taxes. Naturally.

  2. Yeah, wars a success. Bush has chased Al Quida out of Iraq, that’s as success. It’s only granola-munching liberals who worry about the Iraqis killed. You can’t crack a nut without spilling some milk.

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