Praying in fear

Long before the days of the Roman Empire weapons were banned in temples. These were places of safety, reflection and peace. The christian church has for centuries followed this ancient societal consensus, and nowhere, to the best of my knowledge, even during the horrors of the Tutsi massacres, have weapons been taken into churches (despite attacks from the outside).

Up till now Georgia has banned firearms from places of worship. The State has now introduced a law allowing legal gun owners to take weapons into churches (and schools, bars and government buildings). This, says the governor, Nathan Deal, “protects the constitutional right to bear arms for those with proper carry licenses”. Churches are not forced to allow guns, but can do so if they wish, which means most of them will. If Georgians truly fear their fellow christians that much, things have reached a sorry state.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! Packin’ heat and prayin’.

The legislators have not allowed gun owners to take guns onto college campuses, major football events, and or into the homes of friends on social occasions. No doubt these liberal exclusions will be deemed unconstitutional in due course.

Epicurus would ban all firearms from places where large numbers of people congregate – on public safety grounds. Blatant intimidation has no place in a civilized society, on the streets or in a church. At what point will the public conclude that enough is enough and tell the NRA to put safety before profit? That time must be approaching. Human beings with power usually have a tendency to over-reach. Why is the NRA any different?

(The last of three pieces on guns. How much of your time do you waste?)

One Comment

  1. Back in the late 18th Century people carried around with them swords, handguns or blunderbusses. It was quite normal, as the stories about highwaymen attest. All the Founders were doing was legitimizing what everyone was doing if they had money for armaments. If it was ok in the 18th Century why isn’t it now? I live in Arkansas and we haven’t changed. If liberals want to change that’s their affair. Leave our guns alone!

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