
This morning on the C-Span call-in program (I don’t normally listen – it is un-Epicurean to do so, although it is a good program) I heard a caller say that the policies pursued by the current President were without exception good, because “Bush prays” before making a decision. When the moderator, quite correctly, pointed out that Clinton also said that he prayed before every major decision, the caller said that this didn’t count because Clinton cheated on his wife.

It is no wonder that Epicurus enjoined us not to get involved in politics. With voters like that the US deserves the world-wide aprobrium it currently enjoys.


  1. “With voters like that the US deserves the world-wide aprobrium it currently enjoys”

    Nonsense. America is even more popular that ever. See now, didn’t France just have an election? And who won that? Now, the Germans don’t care for us much. Oh my, what a worry that is! Honey, the Germans, you know, the NAZIS, don’t like us! Call the Bishop!

    This whole “world hates America” thing is a myth, a lie, pure and simple. It is to be refuted at every turn. America is the light of the world, the beacon of human destiny, and the world knows it. This is not because Americans are so great…it is because Americans are free to be great. To quote an English movie I saw once “Only in America, is Man FULL GROWN”. Something to do with not bowing to Kings, I beleive.

  2. America did not win the French elections, Chirac and his failed policies lost them. If you really think that after two generations of deep resentment of “les Anglos” the French suddenly love America (especially with this incompetently run war going on) then you have never been to France, not have you read anything about its history.

  3. Deep resentment? Okay, let the Germans back then.

    Besides, I don’t buy it. The French have an arrorgant, leftist elite, same as America does. They do not speak for the French people, not at all.

    Somewhere is Chiracs failed policys, is his foreign policy.

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