Poland’s war on “gender”

The Catholic church and its political allies in Poland have declared war on “gender” issues, such as sex education, which is apparently regarded as worse than communism. The word “gender” is used to refer to all issues of lesbian, gay or trans-sexual nature, to most matters of sex, contraceptives and abortion. Under Communism women enjoyed the right to contraception and abortion (but did not approve of homosexuality). Now the average Polish GP can by law refuse contraceptives, the laws on abortion are the harshest in Europe, and sex education is almost extinct.

On the defensive in other parts of the world, the Catholic church rules the roost in Poland. Its refusal to allow contraceptives is having a curious effect – the Polish birthrate is lower than that in England, where nearly every married woman uses contraceptives, and sex education is part of school curricula.

Poland has a lot going for it (my wife and I had a delightful visit there, and met the most welcoming people), but it is, nonetheless, another example of the harm done by mixing religion and politics. The Catholic church of the late Middle Ages understood this and supported the separation of church and state, to the extent of having separate church courts. Now some of the more reactionary elements are determined to interfere in the bedroom.

Epicurus, a humanist, would likely tell Polish church leaders to preach whatever they like, (it’s free country?) but stop thrusting it upon women through the parliament, the law courts and the schools.