Paraphrasing the words of Epicurus:

Do not be afraid of the gods. They do not concern themselves with human problems. Even less do they have any effect on your income, your health, the behaviour of your children, or the recovery of your lost wallet. They neither reward or punish you in this world, or when you die.

There is neither a Heaven nor a Hell. They were invented to offer hope to the hope-less, and one can have no quarrel with that. But they have also proved a means of frightening the general populace into compliance with the powers that be for fear of the hereafter. No wonder kings through the ages have loved the idea. It explains the close alliance between the Church and the establishment throughout the ages. Even in modern times the churches have sided with governments against the poor and vulnerable (e.g in Latin America).

Unfortunately, there is no dire reckoning in store for evil men after they die – we have to deal with them while they are alive, here on Earth. Saints? (that is people who selflessly look after the poor, the sick and the disadvantaged) – we could do with more of them.