Palestinians made rude signs at us and stole our dog. Therefore……..

Israel is preparing to make its biggest land grab in 30 Years in Palestine’s West Bank. Netanyahu will annex 990 acres of Palestinian Territory west of Bethlehem. He is taking advantage of attention being elsewhere in the world, as he thinks. However, while the US Government and its paid-for Congress ignores the annexation, the rest of us protest it. Israel joins Russia as international expansionist pariah. Sorry, that was the wrong way round – Russia is joining Israel as the second most ruthless, expansionist pariah in the world.

Do these Israeli religious extremists understand the whirlwind that one day will descend upon them?

One Comment

  1. “A Pew Center’s survey found that only thirty-eight per cent of American Jews believe that the Israeli government is sincerely pursuing peace; forty-four per cent believe that the construction of new settlements damages Israel’s national security. In a Gallup poll in late July, only a quarter of Americans under the age of thirty thought that Israel’s actions in Gaza were justified. As Rabbi Jill Jacobs, the executive director of the left-leaning T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, told me, “Many people I know in their twenties and thirties say, I have a perfectly good Jewish life here—why do I need to worry about this country in the Middle East where they’re not representing who I am as a Jew? I’m not proud of what’s happening there. I’m certainly not going to send money. ” (The New Yorker Sept 1, 2014)

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