Organised religion can be depressing

Small excerpt from words of Dvorak’s “Stabat Mater” (truly wonderful music!), written by  a 13th Century monk:

Fac me plagis vulnerari,
Cruce hac inebriari ob amorem Filii.

To translate for the non-Latinists:

Let me be wounded with his wounds,
Let me be inebriated by the cross and your Son’s blood.

The whole work is along these lines, gratifyingly in Latin. It needs no lengthy comment, except to say that Epicureanism is a happy, positive way of life, with love and laughter and no self-flagellation.  It stands for moderation, kindness, good manners, thoughtfulness for others, empathy and good company.   It has been painted as an empty void.  No! It is the smiling face of modern humanism.

One Comment

  1. Yes, it cannot be denied that organised religion can be depressing, but I suggest that this is due less to the various original Founder(s) and more due to the social and political zeitgeist at various times and places in history. I imagine that in the middle ages where the life of the Average citizen was so hard brutish and short, that any creative endeavour was liable to be depressing . It reflected the general mood of quiet desperation. (Most of Elizabethan music seems to me to be written in a minor key! )
    Perhaps the self flagellation you mention brings us back to the concept of cause and effect? I.e. life is hard, hungry and horrid therefore it must be my fault. Plus dwelling on the most barbaric of all modes of execution, crucifixion, is a fail safe way of plunging oneself into a depression.
    So my suggestion is that Epicurus may have had a positive outlook because his life was comfortable and he had the luxury of being able to be moderate in all things.
    Meanwhile, Jesus Christ preached joy and peace, not gloom and self flagellation; the joy of the Father welcoming back the prodigal, with joy and celebration.
    I won’t go on any more….it’s 3.30 am and I can’t sleep !!!

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