On how society deals with autism

Autism is probably caused by a highly complex series of interactions between genes and the environment. We are ……….. pouring millions of dollars into research. We already have identified 1,000 genes and hope to find more potential environmental triggers.  Everything from antidepressants in the water supply to air pollution has been identified as possibly contributing to autism.

“Some of that money should be redirected to things like helping autistic adults live more satisfying, healthier and safer lives, helping families get the services they need or helping them get quicker diagnoses for their kids”. (science writer Steve Silberman interviewed on  NPR, September 2015)

I would add an important point.  Parents of autistic children labour under a terrible burden, often with minimal help, caring for the child all their lives.  But what happens when the parents or siblings are no longer there?  I am aware that many autistic people are functional (and some are running large tech companies!), but many are not.  For those with autism and related conditions that place them outside the mainstream, what happens to them after their families die?  Epicurus would advocate assisted living homes for these vulnerable people, yes, paid for by the community.  This is the sort of thing governments should provide on behalf of us all.  Those who would shrink government at all costs are cruel indeed.

One Comment

  1. Yes, exactly. Social insurance is they key because we all run these risks and we all have an obligation to share the burdens of those whose lots are unfortunate.

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