On a lighter note……

Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun than to eat, and to drink and to be merry: for that should abide with him of his labour the days of his life, which God giveth him under the sun”.

 Ecclesiastes  Chapter 8, verse 15


  1. Why then are so many of the protestant sects so miserable? Why do they take themselves so seriously? No laughter, no fun, no drinking, strictly restricted sex? Where in the bible does it prescribe these dismalalities*?

    (* A dismalality is a technical religious term used by the professionally religious to denote newly emerging threats dreamt up by the godless that can lead the righteous into sin.) Halleluyah for sin!

  2. Our Lady of Dismalality, St. Disma Lality of Dubuque. The idea is rich with possibilities for unsettling the absolutists among us — religious and otherwise. The connection with fear and absolutism probably explains why such types don’t laugh at themselves and work to prevent others from laughing about anything.

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