Obama and the unChristian Right

Missionary to Capitol Hill and Evangelical leader Rev. Rob Schenck  is concerned that Obama may in fact be a Muslim because, as he put it, the issue is really how the Muslim world defines being Muslim.  As he sees it, Muslims inherit their religion from their parents, specifically their fathers. Thus, to be born of a Muslim father, makes one a Muslim.  By Schenck’s analysis, Obama has a Muslim father and a Muslim name and while he may now proclaim himself a Christian, the question remains whether he is really just an apostate, infidel, or unfaithful Muslim rather than a non-Muslim.

Schenck declared that he has no reason not to take Obama “at his word” regarding his Christianity, and then proceeds to question the legitimacy and depth of his faith, saying “The question becomes: How serious, how profound is the religious commitment that Barack Obama has made" considering that United Church of Christ to which he belongs has strayed dramatically from “historical, Biblical Christianity … from historic, moral Christian instruction.”  Schenck also says it is interesting that Obama claims to “pray to Jesus” rather than “pray to God in Jesus’ name” and takes issue with Obama’s claim that his views on topics like civil unions and abortion don’t make him any less of a Christian, saying that “he owes the public a further explanation of that and most certainly religious people.”  

Schenck declares that what religious affiliation a political figure claims is less important that what positions they espouse and promote – and when it comes to Obama, this issues is vitally important because not only is he a bad Christian, he might also be a unwitting Muslim:

    “Obama has said quite plainly that he is a Christian.  It is true that he is a member of a Christian church, that he did in fact walk the aisle and kneel beneath a cross.  He has told us that he prays every day to Jesus.  Muslims certainly do not pray to Jesus.  They do not kneel at the foot of a cross.  They do not join churches.  They do not make a public statement such as “I am a Christian, a devout Christian. They don’t do that.  Based on that, I would have to conclude, no, he is not a Muslim.  And yet the question haunts us: how does the Muslim world see that?  How does a Muslim religious authority see that? Would a Muslim religious authority say he was born of a Muslim father, therefore he remains a Muslim.”

The issue of Obama’s faith is, according to Schenck, an “extremely important question that demands to be asked more and in greater depth” – one that he is pressuring Obama to discuss with him “face to face.”

Epicurus would probably use this set of slimy innuendos to warn his hearers to avoid both politics and preachers with dubious agendas, such as overt support for a political party. 

One Comment

  1. I posted this as a warning- – Americans are going to have a bellyful of this “Christianity” before November. The sinister nexus between the extreme right wing of the Republican party and the “greed is good; if you’re poor God willed it” will be in full evidence. These are the moral and maybe direct descendants of the people who opposed joining toe Second World War on the side of Britain. There was a large minority of right-wingers and racists who sympathized with the Nazis, calling themselves isolationists. These people have been airbrushed out of the American psyche and out of its history. They are still with us in spirit.

    There! I’ve said it!

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