Non-belief growing rapidly

Non-theists do not believe in a supreme being, particularly not an all-seeing one that organises the minutiae of life comfortably for believers.

A recent poll showed that over 50% of Americans would refuse to vote for a Presidential candidate who was a non-theist. Only one member of the current Congress is a non-theist, and he comes from San Francisco (Rep. Pete Stark). But the number of non-theists is growing rapidly and numbers about 5 million, despite the attacks from the fundamentalists and evangelicals.   The above number increases to about 20 million if you include people who say they have no religious faith or are agnostic. In the US you are rated below Moslems, immigrants, Red Indians, and other assorted minorities of color (racism being O.K for some religious folks) if you admit you are a non theist (or atheist). Epicureans base their beliefs on science, reason, and secularism . This Epicurean would add: kindness, consideration, common sense, and a sense of humor.


  1. My personal take is that non-theists have a better sense of humor than the others. But then I would say that, wouldn’t I! The bust of Epicurus makes him look grim . It must have been produced carved by a member of a hostile philosophy. Epicurus was a bundle of fun. That’s official.

  2. The trick is to be a theist. Non-theism is just dumb. So be a theist, but don’t worship those false Gods the other people do. 🙂

  3. Warm, fuzzy, and good-hearted agnostics of all un-faiths are also hilarious and know a thing or two about a good frolic.

    Philosophers are never sculpted smiling because a grin would suggest that their work is a hoot and they would lose Serious Points. Although, I agree that of the lot, Epicurus would be the most likely to show up on “Saturday Night Live,” or “The Daily Show.”

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