Nation of the superficial

Evangelicals like Trump’s assurance that when he’s elected president, he’ll compel shop assistants to go back to saying ‘Merry Christmas’ instead of ‘Happy Holidays’.

I can’t wait! It’s the bosses and the corporations who have destroyed Christmas, which, in America, starts in November and has become the only time of the year some of them make money. It is Trump’s fellow tycoons who, have, over the years, commercialised an ancient festival,.  For those of us who are sceptical about organised religion, I think we should be allowed to call it anything we want; it now has little to do with Jesus, Bethlehem or shepherds anyway. We should not be dictated to by the authoritarian Trump or anyone else.  Now if he decreed that no one is allowed to give useless and unnecessary presents that are thrown away in days …….


  1. Republicans like Bill O’Reilly who believe there is a ‘War on Christmas’ are an absolute joke. If your store is in an area with a lot of Jews or Muslims, there’s no financial incentive to give your products an overtly Christian theme, so why should you be compelled to do otherwise? So much for the free market!

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