Mourning Brexit

“It is frustrating for remainers ( anti-Brexiteers) who still crave a moment of vindication, when the fraud is proved beyond doubt and the tide of opinion turns. But for that to happen, Brexit would have to be measured in terms of trade and diplomacy. Those aren’t the leavers’ metrics. They long ago swapped economic argument for culture war bluster.

“There is no defence of Johnson’s deal if the ambition was serious advancement of the national interest. But there is another test. It is the one that matters most to the architects of Brexit, although they never admit it, even to themselves.

“For the true believers in Brexit, a good Brexit is one that keeps the grievance alive; that makes foreigners the scapegoat for bad government; that continues to indulge the twin national myths of victimhood and heroic defiance. Measured for that purpose, Johnson’s pointless Brexit is perfect.”  ( Part of a long article by Rafael Behr, The Guardian , 24 Feb 2021)

My comment:  How right!  And how shameful!  To my chagrin some British friends , and even relatives, support Brexit, and I have had to listen politely to their views, squirming.  There was nothing better to ruin a nice dinner party than to gainsay the Brexiteers, and now I will have to restrain myself from “ I told you so” comments to keep the family peace; indeed to keep friends.

As an historian one starts with the Roman invasion and then follow the fortunes of Britannia through to the 21st Century.  From an obscure offshore island through the centuries back to an obscure island once again!  Makes you sad.

Following Epicurus one should ignore politics, but it’s hard not to be attentive when disasters like this happen on your watch.  This is existential.