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Clenard Childress Jr., founder of, says Barack Obama is serving as a front-man for a racist Planned Parenthood strategy to destroy African Americans:   "No other ethnic group in the United States has been decimated more by abortion than the Afro-American community. The war being waged upon innocent captives in the womb is led by Planned Parenthood. The strategy? Convince the targeted community to accept their eugenic racist plan by selecting one from their ethnicity to promote it."
Source: People for the American Way

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  1. This sounds as if it is out of the same sort of stable as Jeremiah Wright, only very much worse. Extremists on both right and left will continue ranting until the generation they represent has been and gone. They are clearly hurt and bitter, and one can understand why. They are consumed with history and life experiences that left them scarred, and they cannot see beyond events of generations past . As an immigrant I find all this racism and hatred bewildering and unhealthy. The good news is that younger people want to get beyond the hatred and name-calling and are impatient with it. That is the significance of Obama, who has captured that feeling of revulsion against the hate-mongers. Generation X and those younger than that want everyone to get on together. Naive? Maybe, but Epicurean.

    Were Epicurus alive today he would be asking , “What offers the best chance of calm and ataraxia? Trying at least to put these sores behind us or a further period of division and “fighting” at home and abroad?

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