More basic Epicureanism. It needs repeating!

Do not be afraid of the gods: they do not concern themselves with human problems; nor do they reward or punish you in this world or when you die. There is neither a Heaven nor a Hell.


  1. For some of us this is a relief. Who wants to cooped up in a city with angels singing all the time (my choir is quite enough), lousy food, the same old faces, nothing much to do, and facing all this for eternity? This is something the Christian churches have not come to grips with; what they are offering is excruciating boredom. Well this is what a lot of them are used to here on Earth. Me? I’d rather take my chances and have my atoms re-cycled. Who knows, I might be re-assembled as a Bonobo monkey. Now that would be fun.

  2. To be reassembled as a bonobo chimpanzee would be a hoot but we poor homo not-so-sapiens may not be up to the rigor of their life-style. Think of the energy it would require to lark about lasciviously as they do — anytime, anywhere, for any reason, with any gender. “Heaven,” maybe but seductive, certainly.

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