Montaigne: words of the wise

“Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know.”  (Montaigne)

Thus can a person who thinks himself fit to be President of the United States can actually propose building a huge wall to keep out Mexicans  when there are more Mexicans leaving the country than entering it (overwhelmed by possible examples, I pick just one for the sake of brevity.  Dodgson, contemplating Alice, would have had a field day in Wonderland).


One Comment

  1. There is plenty of evidence of this, right here in Washington DC and among the great voting public, bless them. The answer is education, but regrettably, the meaning of education is no longer understood. For all too many people education has come to mean training for a well-paid job. Thinking for yourself critically, writing well, arguing cogently, marshalling facts to make persuasive arguments, developing strategic thinking – all these come last, if they come anywhere.

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