Left to the “market”, global warming is likely to cook us all

Only hermits living in caves still deny the reality of climate change and our role in making it worse than it need be. Some smart companies are becoming serious about it, but the short-sighted, short-term money people and the oil companies, the much-admired “market&rdquo, have managed to thwart nearly every attempt at an answer. Turkeys do not vote for Christmas, as they say in England. We need action on any number of fronts: economic, developmental, agricultural, financial, housing, transport, trade and health. The libertarian purists who prefer to drown, starve or die of thirst rather than fork out a penny to avoid calamity will simply have to be rescued from their crass folly for their own good. There is no point in talking about dwelling in an Epicurean garden, ignoring the world, when you are going to be faced with cities being flooded, swaths of countryside ruined in storms, civil strife caused by drought or hunger – – One could go on.