Leave us alone!

Britain has invaded all but 22countries in the world (although the current names and borders of those countries may not have applied at the time they were invaded. (Daily Telegraph 4th November 2012).

Control, control, control. Whether it is the pope telling his flock what to believe or politicians exercising their power, the wish to control seems an inescapable aspect of human nature. Which is not to say that it shouldn’t be resisted. Almost by definition Epicureans do not want to have dominion over others. They might like to have some modest control over their immediate environment, but only in so far as it brings peace of mind. (Control over the behavior of computers would be a fine thing! Anyone got any other ideas as to how to have a peaceful personal life?). It is for this reason that Epicureans do not, and hopefully never will, have muftis, mullahs, preachers, presidents or chairmen. Beware the control freaks.