It costs $1.4bn to run the White House

Now that the collapse of US budget talks has triggered mandatory, across-the-board cuts to the federal budget, the government can’t afford the $18,000-a-week costs of the White House tours. But President Obama will still enjoy the services of the three full-time White House calligraphers ($277,050 per year for the trio) and the chief of staff to the president’s dog ($102,000), and he won’t be forced to ground Air Force One ($181,757 for every hour it’s aloft). Indeed, the overall expense of the White House, which has become increasingly grand under recent presidents, shows no sign of going into reverse. Its current annual cost – “just in household expenses, not the policy operations for which it exists – is $1.4bn”. (Charles C.W. Cooke, National Review, edited)

Grumblers in Britain moan on about the cost of the royal family. But the above puts matters into perspective. And the Queen looks good value. I personally don’t think a head of state should be an active politician -it means that half the people at any one time loathe him. The queen, one of the most outstanding public servants in the last century, is above politics and acts as a figurehead, keeping the disparate parts of the UK together. Even the Scots would keep the Queen were they independent.

The queen is a moderating influence and a role model. As such (and she would be surprised were she to read this) she actually seems to be a model Epicurean.