Israel and Gaza

I can do no better than to quote a person calling himself “US Citizen” on the Mondoweiss blog:

Good news? There will be when the US recognizes a two-State solution – separation between Israel and the United States.


  1. When the whole House of Representatives, with one voice, voted recently to support Israel, right or wrong, (“do what you like as long as you give me money for my next campaign”), it became clear that these people are not acting according what I thought were the principles of the United States and were clearly bought.

  2. If there should be a separation of Israel and the US, shouldn’t there also be a separation between the US and the Palestinians? The US gives far more foreign aid than any other country, and in doing so, it violates the sovereignty of those countries by threatening to withdraw the aid if it doesn’t get what it wants. Epicurus would have called for the US to withdraw from conflicts like these, and for us not to support either side. I think his noninterventionist approach is what’s needed here.

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