Irresponsibility and global warming

In a Harris Interactive poll for a French TV station, released  on January 5th, 54% of the French and 40% of Britons, Germans and Italians rank global warming among the top two challenges facing the planet that personally affect them.  Only 30% of Americans agree.  When all is said and done, climate change affects everyone on the planet in one way or another;  terrorism, scary though it is, is fortunately never likely to affect more than a small minority.

The debate in Europe is about what action needs to be taken, while many in the US still debate whether climate change is happening at all, despite the evidence of their eyes.   Others think it is just represents the swings and roundabouts of normal climatic fluctuation, despite almost overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary.

 2007 is predicted to be the fourth year running when temperatures will represent records in the UK.  Every year those temperatures rise.  On our Central London rooftop last summer I recorded a temperature of 103 degrees in July.

This is something that will also affect every Epicurean, however much he or she wishes to stay aloof from the ordinary world.  Do we stay silent and endure, or do we make our views known, contrary to the vested interests, who hope the whole thing goes away and would rather see their children fry than forgo a bit of current profit?
The fault lies with the politicians and the media, whose irresponsibility beggars belief.  We are truly ill-served by these people.

One Comment

  1. And what’s going to happen to the US economy if you stop us using our cars, stupid? Do you suppose India and China are going tohold back getting developed because a few islands in the Pacific are likely to disappear under the sea?

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