Iraq again

 The public don’t know this: since 2003 Iraq has set a world record in suicide bombings.

The 1000 suicide attacks are more than double the number of similar attacks carried out by members of Hamas in Israel, Hizbollah in Lebanon  and the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka put together.    There were no known suicide attacks before the invasion and no connection between 9/11 and Iraq.*

Epicurus would not be surprised.  He would expect that where a government had effective control of information the citizens would be poorly informed.    He would then go into the garden and dig potatoes.

“*The Strategy of Martyrdom, by Mohammed M. Hafez, US Institute of Peace.



  1. If there was “no connection between 9/11 and Iraq”, then why all the bombings? This claim makes no sense. The most effective response would be passive resistance, not suicide.

    The government has no effective control of information anymore, those days are gone.

  2. Are you saying that some or all of the terrorists on 9/11 were from Iraq?

    There is no need for the government to have direct control of the media. . The views of people with strong political agendas like Murdoch and other media barons are similar, if not identical, to those of the Administration. And the power of the barons extends overseas. It is very hard to become Prime Minister or either the UK or Australia unless you have the support of Murdoch. One of the first things Blair had to do (and the new guys in the UK and Australia likewise) was to make a pilgrimage to Murdoch in New York. One Australian journalist described Murdoch after the recent elections as “the most powerful man in the world”. Americans just don’t understand. If you think we live in democracies……….

  3. I agree, we don’t live in democracies! In the West we live in countries where the big corporations and the very rich have disproportionate power, and where the interests of the country are subordinated to their requirements. This is assured by powerful lobbying and cash at election time. Having said this, at least I can still post rude things about the Establishment without going to jail, which is a privilege, so there are compensations. Be happy!.

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