In a nutshell….

“A big part of the problem these days… RT @TheTweetOfGod: The less you know the more you don’t think you need to”.    (Twitter 8:10am – 3 Oct 15)

The grammar might be iffy, but the opinion is spot on.  The less you know the less you think it important to know anything.  This is an indictment of education, and starts with our collective attitude towards teachers.  In  a truly Epicurean world good teachers would be the most highly rewarded people in society, and bankers would, well, be getting by.  The mark of a truly civilised society is an informed population interested in learning and able to think for itself.  Regrettably, this does not suit the people who these days pull the strings.  They want uninformed consumers who consume and who shun the polling booth.  Is it my imagination or it getting worse, not better?