Imperialist self-delusion is alive and kicking

"The United States is the indispensable nation because we have proven to be the greatest force for good in human history…We have every intention of continuing to use our primacy in world affair for humanity’s benefit."    John McCain 1999

Epicurus, were he alive today, would no doubt reply, " Well, you can start by  leaving the rest of the world to live their lives without your constant and unremitting intervention.  The rest of the world does not, by and large, share your nationalist beliefs.  I know that will cause huge anger and disbelief among the faithful, but it is true and becoming more true every day."


  1. McCain’s comment is so 19th century, just the sort of remark made by the discredited British imperialists before the First World War. You invade a sovereign country, however badly ruled, you are responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of its citizens, most of whom were quite blameless, you refuse to negotiate with “terrorists” (a.k.a freedom fighters) and then you have the immoral effrontery and mind-blowing shutzpah to claim that you are the greatest force for good in the world. Excuse me!

    I know that the incidence of church-going is nothing to do with religiosity or morality (Epicureans and atheists being arguably quite as moral than most Christians), but it does amaze me that intelligent people who claim they pray and believe in God can swallow this monumental hypocrisy.

    With little effort the human mind can believe almost anything if it is a comfort to the believer. (Robert Hanrott, 2008).

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