I’m glad I’m the age I am

Computer nerds are the new alpha males. According to a survey. 59% of women admire men who can fix computers – so-called technosexuals – but only 49% feel the same about those who can repair a car. The technosexuals are in such demand that two-fifths of men admit to having exaggerated their IT skills in an attempt to impress the opposite sex.

Epicureans are moderates: moderate sex appeal (oh, dear!) and moderate ability with computers. If that doesn’t attract the ladies, then just retire to the Garden and contemplate your future. I maintain that you cannot be responsible for one or more computers and approach anything near to ataraxia..


  1. Dear Abby
    Every day there is some computer issue or other that I have no idea how to address. Could you suggest where I can find a techno sexual?


  2. “Technosexuals?” Is this an acquired characteristic? or does nature program us? I know that sexuality is a continuum across the hormonal rainbow but when it comes to exaggerating their, ummm, IT skills, I think the t-s’s need to be regulated to curb unfounded claims. “Truth in technosexing,” if you will. (Spell-check red-lined three words in this comment, can you guess which three?)

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