I am a values voter!

 How have the so-called “Christian” conservatives managed to monopolize “values”, morality” and the “family”?

I am a values voter. I believe in honesty, integrity, consideration towards others, and civilized discourse among those who disagree.  I couldn’t care less what people do in the privacy of the bedrooms as long as it doesn’t affect my children and grandchildren.  I think the population is way too high, so some self-restraint and family planning is fine if we are to survive on this planet.  I believe government should keep out of religion (in fact, so should everyone else).  I accept stem-cell research, individual privacy and a policy of maintaining social stability by trying to ensure a level playing field for everyone.  I also believe in good education and a roof over everyone’s heads. 

I don’t think it is terribly interesting to speculate on what Jesus might  have thought, but I happen to believe that were he alive today he would agree with the above.  

Epicureans will criticize this statement because by definition an Epicurean is not supposed to get involved in politics.  But this is not politics; it is in my opinion about morality. 

One Comment

  1. It is also about fighting back against the assault on our Constitutional liberties, our morality and integrity by the so-called “Christian” Right. Arguably they are not real Christians at all, but that is a matter for their own endless internal bickering.

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