How can God get round the universe in a timely manner?

Current discoveries about the universe, or universes, pose a big question. If the furthest we can see are the galaxies 13.72 billion light years away from Earth (almost to the galaxies created in the first instance of the Big Bang), how can God get about this massive universe in time to make sure it doesn’t rain on your wedding day or that the plane arrives on time to get to grandfather’s eightieth birthday. Presumably there are scores of other planets with life on them. He must be responsible for that life as well as ours and calls on his time must be of a daunting number. If nothing can be faster than the speed of light, God has a travel problem which cannot be solved by physics as we know it.

An expert tells me God has Deputies who address the rain and all other minor inconveniences on a local level. Maybe she means the Pope? I which case god has a management problem as well.


  1. This is a deep question so I suggest you submit it to the Weather Channel and see what their take is. Then, be sure and post an “update” to keep us informed of their analysis. 😉

  2. If God created the universe then it should not be a problem for him to manage it. It will be like a board game to him and it will be easy to just move the pieces around. The universe is immense and anybody responsible for its creation must be too great for us to fully comprehend his capacity. I suggest you use another arguement to debunk the existence of God.

  3. This was intended to be tongue in cheek.. God has a sense of humour , otherwise he would not have created Man

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