Health: no.2 in the list of Gross National Happiness criteria

Good healthcare is as long as a piece of string – you can never have enough of it or satisfy everyone. But the following is what I believe most people are looking for when they think of their health:

– A modern health system that is equally accessible to everyone.
– not being bankrupted in the event of a catastrophic illness.
– a health system, free at point of use and paid for out of taxes, that can deal with all the most prevalent and serious illnesses.
– where payment has to be made for less life threatening conditions, it can be covered by insurance, or is at least affordable.
– well trained doctors and nurses who know their business
– low administrative costs and common sense rationing and prioritization of care to avoid high taxes.
-recognition of mental health needs.
-incentives to promote good nutrition and exercise.
– community-based health clinics that are easily accessible and can deal with minor problems. (in the US a chain of pharmacies, CVS, is currently developing such clinics).