Hatred and religion

The spiritual leader of Israel’s ultra-orthodox Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia
Yosef, has provoked outrage with a sermon calling for the annihilation of

It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them
and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable,” he was quoted as saying
in a sermon delivered to mark the Jewish festival of Passover.
The Lord shall return the Arabs’ deeds on their own heads, waste their
seed and exterminate them. Rabbi Yosef is one of the most powerful
religious figures in Israel, He is known for his outspoken comments and
has in the past referred to the Arabs as “vipers”.


  1. Come on, what’s wrong with that? Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is a patriot. He probably wears a lapel flag pin. What’s really wrong is when the President of Iran calls for the extermination of Israel.

  2. Oh dear….presumably the Rabbi is talking about the Palestinians. Apparently Jews are more closely related genetically to Palestinians than they are to Arabs – (as in ‘people who come from Arabia’).
    So he is hating his own cousins, who are also the children of Abraham.

    Hate ratchets up hate… pity people take no notice of the injunction to love.

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