Government departments out of control?

I can’t fault President Obama for trying to compromise with the opposition and for attempting to get something, anything, done. But my criticism. of him is that he has failed to get his own government under control.

Everywhere you look you see disfunction, if not crass mismanagement, and actions that no normal Democratic government should tolerate. Exhibits A and B are the CIA, and its shameless torture and cynical treatment of Congress; the NSA and its spying on all and everyone, including Merckel (fire someone!). You have the Pentagon arming the police; the Attorney General, Treasury etc in bed with the money men and failing to indict the top bankers; the incompetence and sloppiness of the Secret Service; the pathetic defense of Obamacare and of the Presidential record; communications between Cabinet members apparently minimal, and the White House staff third rate. And now the US Trade Representative Department, which operates in secret while negotiating trade arrangements that effect the whole population (remember them?).

The tight secrecy at the USTR is justified by saying that all trade agreements adversely affect someone, and if you are open nothing gets agreed. Yet the business lobbyists get to see all the written details and make amendments (yes!). Members of Congress, if they want to see texts have to go personally to the USTR office, cannot bring staffers and can make no notes or copies. Bland statements are made and no meaningful text is issued until it’s too late to change it. If the American public knew how the TTIP undermined democracy and the power of the nation State, there would be huge opposition. But the American public knows nothing about it!! The lobbyists, on the other hand, are treated as partners in government. This way of proceeding is apparently regarded as “normal”.

The critical issue with all leaders is this: you have to be good at picking good people, and then demand high standards of work, firing anyone who messes up. That is the sign of a leader and a good manager. No politically correct appointments; you have to have the best people, who agree with the agenda. Obama is smart but no manager.

Why is the Epicurean blog talking politics? Because we need a strong, efficient government that looks out for all the people, so that no one lives without food, clothing and a roof over their heads, and something, anything, is done to reduce the obscene disparities of wealth. If you allow yourself to be captured by the rich and the lobbyists then you have not done your job properly. The Epicurean ideal is a pleasant life for all (yes, an ideal, but we need one).


  1. Obama recently said that ‘the economic recovery in Britain is proof that Cameron is doing something right.’ That’s right, the same Cameron that is doing in Britain what the Republicans are doing in America. I don’t know why you ever expected better from Obama. Bring on Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders in 2016, and lets have some real change!

  2. How right you are, but regrettably they are unelectable. Elizabeth Warren says the right things , but does so in an irascible way. It’s o.k for a Republican to say nasty things, but not a Democrat.

  3. Warren is very popular in her home state of Massachusetts, so why does the rest of the country not like her? As far as I know, she’s never said anything nasty.

    • People say she sounds shrill and strident. I take this as bit of a sexist judgement. If a male member of the Tea Party rants and raves that is passion; a woman gets angry and she is shrill. Warren is a stalwart exponent, as you probably know, of bringing the banks under control. They have the money to trash her.

  4. I have to say I agree with you on the subject of politics. Even though Epicurus seemed to want nothing to do with it, I tend to agree more with his predecessor Democritus on that particular subject. Democritus quoted:

    “One must give the highest importance to affairs of the state, that it may be well run. One must not pursue quarrels contrary to right, nor acquire a power contrary to the common good. The well-run state is the greatest protection, and contains all in itself; when this is safe, all is safe; when this is destroyed, all is destroyed.”

    Later Epicureans like Jefferson and some Roman politicians seemed to have a similar outlook. The people’s happiness and protection from harm depends greatly on the stability and effectiveness of the state.

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