Good riddance!

So at last we can say goodbye to Mr. Tony Blair and his frightful wife , Cherry (a.k.a Cherie).  This is a huge relief.

It is un-Epicurean to concern oneself with national politics, of course.  But the activities of people like Blair threaten one’s future and peace of mind.

It seems only yesterday that terrorists attacked London, and I venture to say that this would never have happened had Blair not followed Bush like a sheep into Iraq, despite the protests of most people and the dismal historical experience of the British in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  How often do you want to bang your head uselessly against a brick  wall?  But no one knows any history any more.

How can one achieve ataraxia with the threat of crazies bombing you on the Underground?  No philosopher has adequately answered this.

Meanwhile, this "most successful" prime minister has alienated half the world, messed up the constitution of the country, damaged higher education, and has spent more time on fox hunting than he has on the national interest.  Brown will be not much better, but at least he will not be, as one person described Blair, like a water spider, flitting across the surface of national politics, getting into the detail of nothing.

Brown can be expected to mess up the EU and demolish Oxford and Cambridge as world-class universities (chip on the shoulder like a rock, it is said).  But at least he will think about it before he does it.

Tony, good riddance!  And may the Palestinians treat you with the indifference you deserve.

(Declaration of  personal interest:  Mrs. Blair, as a lawyer,  severely damaged the life of a relative of mine.  She proved herself to be incompetent in his defense, sloppy and unprofessional.  And she never apologized)


  1. Apologies for this rant. Where was my peace of mind?! But if Amercans think Tony was a good guy, just come and hear the British version!

  2. “Apologies???” For speaking passionately about truth? Begone apologies! Epicurus was a Greek — geniuses at blending reason and joie-de-vivre and, perhaps, even at blending a rant-du-jour with incisive logic. Or, so say I.

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