Good news! We can stop worrying about treachery!

So the Mueller Report has cleared Trump and his staff from conspiring with Putin and Russia to win the election.  Phew!!!!   Thank goodness. The thought that one’s own Head of State was a traitor would have been intolerable. For the sake of peace of mind this is great news.  Mueller is a good man and has been very thorough.

However, we might pause and reflect on the fact that 34 people and three companies have been indicted for a bariety of crimes: 6 former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one Californian man and and London-based lawyer.   Meanwhile, the Russians were clearly wanting to influence the election and it looks as if they will interfere in 2020.  And, unless it is being kept unusually secret nothing is being done to counter it.  We are under constant attack by a Russian head of state riding high and proving to be a dread menace to democracy everywhere.  Not a situation where one can feel serenely calm and confident about the government.   And we have a right to feel calm and confident about it.