Good news

At the Armadillo Technical Institute, a public charter school in Phoenix, Oregon, there are no janitors. Instead, students in grades 6-12 meet in teams once or twice a week to clean assigned areas. For 30 minutes after lunch, students sweep, mop, take out the trash and even clean the bathrooms — but responsibilities rotate so no one is stuck scrubbing toilets more than two or three times a year. (NPR website)

Good training. Next test – can you get them to tidy up at home?

One Comment

  1. Newt Gingrich suggested this idea during the 2012 Republican primaries, except for under his plan, the students would be paid, just not as much as a full time janitor. He received a lot of criticism for it, but I don’t think its such a bad idea. A friend of mine gets paid to clean her old primary school for about 4 hours a week. She gets £6.50 an hour.

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