Global climate change: the countdown

Recent findings from a poll of 52 environmental experts and 36 climate researchers, who were asked to rank regions at greatest risk of climate change:

One year from now:  Indian summer monsoon is destabilized and erratic.  Could flip chaotically, with floods one year and drought the next.

10 years from now:  Arctic ice melts (high risk – may already be in irreversible decline,)
       West African monsoon collapses
       50% chance that Greenland ice may be melting unstopably.   

50 years from now:  Boreal forest  and Amazon rain forest both die.

100 years from now: El Nino strengthens with profound effects on weather from Americas and Africa.
       Atlantic current collapses, threatening West European climate
       Global temperatures will have increased by 4%

300 years from now:  West Antarctic ice sheet collapses

Epicurus would be appalled at the profligacy of the human race.


  1. He would be puzzled at the blind, crass stupidity of the oil-company funded researchers and politically motivated extremists who oppose any action on global climate change.

    History will deal with them unkindly!

  2. Your optimistic conclusion is comforting. It’s just that history’s judgment is going to take awhile and time isn’t on our side. Although it didn’t take decades as it might have in the past, several years passed before the full story of oil financing of the junk science of “Ain’t no global warming” mantra was exposed.

    The ubiquitous media attacks on Gore and his Gore’s film was paid for by all the Usual Suspects. I want to live long enough to see the malpractioners of “science” brought to book. (I sound like a broken record sometimes).

  3. Climate comes and climate goes. You can’t expect us to cripple ourselves economically while the Indians and Chinese will do nothing. The US is the economic engine of the world. Damage that and you have a problem. Most of these scientists are just ideologues and liberals.

  4. I don’t believe I’m reading this. Because it might (only might) reduce your income by $1.50 – a year you want to put the future of the next two or the generations at peril? You Republicans are something else How dare you impugn scientists all over the world, nearly all of whom have worked for years on this issue and are careful and meticulous. It isn’t a party political matter – – it’s about the future of the human race. I despair.

  5. Global warming’s like real scary. We’re gonna really regret all the misinformation and foot-dragging that’s going on now. God help us. The present government is only interested in it’s friends in big business. That’s why I’m voting Obama. I voted for Bush last time.

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