
25% of British adults say they have “experienced a ghost” – up from 19% in 2003, and 7% in the 1950s.  (The Sunday Times, London).

This is not at all surprising.  On a planet where human beings believe in virgin births and finding inscribed tablets,  supposedly from God, in a pile on top of a mountain, seeing a ghost is pretty harmless.  Indeed, I myself heard a ghost walking up the stairs in the dead of night  when I was eight years old (my Dad told me it was the wind affecting our 15 th Century cottage).  The capacity to set aside objective reason and espouse the unlikely is a charming side of human nature – until control freaks start maiming, torturing, burning and killing you because you don’t believe in their fairy tales.

Epicureans believe in reason and the evidence of  their own eyes.  They have fun being entirely rational (joke).