Getting older

Yesterday, finishing off repair work in the bathroom, I spent at least ten minutes looking for the screwdriver I had been using.  I searched high and low, and recruited my wife to help me look.  It seemed to have vanished.  Then I looked again.  It had been in my left hand all the time.

Now I know Epicureans can be serious, thoughtful people, not given easily to laughing at themselves, but how can I maintain my ataraxia when I have concluded that I am just plain stupid and deserve to be the butt of my own humour?


  1. Seriousness seems to go with Epicureanism. Is that because the busts of Epicurus look so humourless and grim? Or maybe philosophy itself is perceived to be a serious subject, not suitable for jokes and ribaldry. Despite the best efforts of a few good people to lighten the discussions, the Yahoo discussion site is conducted with grim seriousness. How do we make all this a bit more fun? I will compose a post , a cri de coeur.

  2. As one who has searched for the glasses he already had on, and searched for the coffee cup he left in the microwave, and searched for the TV remote he was sitting on, I wish to express gratitude and appreciation for your affirming anecdote. Let me add that old age has its advantages, as well. I find there are more and more things I don’t have to excuse myself for (I will spare you details); not to mention the fun and amusement of utterances that would be outrageous or embarrassing if attributed to someone other than a demented old fart like me.

  3. A recent survey conducted by a reputable public opinion firm into the growing family problems of the writer of this comment found that the number off stupid mistakes, gaffes, incomprehensible instances of forgetfulness, loss of keys, loss of pocket books, loss of keys, loss of pocket books etc etc (oh, I’ve said that)
    has grown 17.8% in the last 12 months alone. It is scarcely, they say, any wonder that the writer and his wife have been forgotten by all their freindes (there – forgoten how to spel frends).

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