Flag pins

Flag pins are like those yellow ribbon things on cars, a membership badge of the unreflective, nationalist wing of the Republican Party.

Since we have the Pope in the country let me quote an ardent Catholic writer:  "My country right or wrong" is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case.  It is like saying, "My mother, drunk or sober".  G. K. Chesterton

The real patriot supports where support is justified and tries to correct where correction is required.

Wearing a flag pin has nothing whatsoever to do with a person’s patriotism.  To suggest it has is deeply disrespectful.  In the days of the Founders it would have provoked a duel.

One Comment

  1. To broadcast the videoed question from that bird of little brain the other night shows how trivial and insulting the media has become. Obama is a snappy dresser. Let him stay that way. How dare the drivelers-in-charge impugn his or anyone else’s patriotism?

    What is unpatriotic is is being responsible for 4000 American deaths in an unnecessary war. What is unpatriotic is mismanaging the economy by spending like drunken sailors, sending the dollar into a tail-spin, putting at risk the livelihoods of millions, managing the government incompetently……………so it goes on ad nauseam………trying to distract our attention from the fact that these people are not suited to governing a country.

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