12% of 16- to 24-year-old Brits think honey is produced by farmers squeezing bees. A fifth think fish fingers are made from the fingers of fish. 15% don’t know that lamb comes from sheep. 9% think potatoes grow on trees. (Rowse/Daily Mirror)
And now 52% of their elders want to leave the EU. Good arguments for retirement into an Epicurean garden .
This is why teaching general knowledge in schools is important. Education is not just about training people to do jobs, it is about liberating then from general ignorance; judging by this poll, we aren’t doing a good enough job!
As least with the EU, that is an opinion, not a general fact. But I get the point insofar as arguing with those you disagree with can get very tiring. And because no pleasure comes from it, it is not an intrinsically moral action- at least according to traditional Epicurean theory. I wouldn’t suggest staying in the garden permanently, but a retreat once in a while is more than welcome!