Family planning and unloved babies

I find it morally repugnant to bring into this world children who are unwanted and unloved.

If the principal objectives of Epicureanism are happiness and contentment, then it follows that children should be conceived, born and reared in warmth, love and friendship. Force majeure employed by those claiming to know the mind of God seek to force women to forego family planning and bear children, often conceived in violence or indifference. This is the cause of lifelong misery and unhappiness for many millions and untold social problems, mostly among the poor and socially deprived.

One of the biggest problems facing the world is over-population. The reluctance to address it arises from several factors, but one of the most disturbing is the belief of most religions that life should be preserved at any cost (literally). This attitude is primeval. It goes back to the days when the population was small, the planet large and empty, and lives short. Families relied on the annual birth of a child for labour in the fields and support in old age.

Now we have 7 billion people, insufficient water, land and jobs. Climate change is reducing food production, and growth has stalled. Still the ideologues insist that crippled and autistic babies be brought into the world and that women who raped should bear the resulting children. No matter that they are unloved. This attitude is at best unrealistic. I would maintain it is cruel as well as being stupid.

Please would a religious person who supports the “life at any price” doctrine explain why they think they are right? I genuinely want to know.


  1. It would be ironic if the major religions of the world turned out to be responsible, owing to their insistence on the unrestricted increase of an unsustainable population growth, for the extinction of the human race and the wrecking of the planet that they say God gave them. At best the irresponsibility is clear to everyone else, if not to them

  2. I’ve never succeeded in a conducting a rational discussion with people who absolutize a blastocyst. It’s hard to be hopeful about our beautiful planet Earth when such people glorify the most obvious assault in terms of sheer numbers–seven billion people.

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