Fake news

Fake news may not be as widespread as thought. An analysis of the daily media consumption of people in the US found fake news made up 0.15 per cent of time people spend consuming media. The study found traditional news outlets may be a greater source of misinformation than fake news (Science Advances, advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/14/eaay3539  (New Scientist , 23 May 2020).

My comment:   Are they saying that the New York Times and the Washington Post are greater sources of misinformation than the obvious lies and fabrications that abound on Facebook and other social media?

I read the New Scientist every week – it is a wonderful publication (in the interests of fairness to all, I’m sure some of the articles are based on mistaken data.  This may be one of those rare pieces of research and reporting?).   The Russians, for instance, are conducting a cyber war against the US – against us all. They are not alone.   If you believe a word they say on social medfia, I despair).   The whole point is to get us all to suspect everything we read.  It is proving amazingly successful.