Epicurus would love this! An extension of family values.

Is this just incompetence or straight thieving, or both?  

$400 billion has been spent on outsourcing military contracting to companies like Blackwater, half of which was done with out competitive bidding  (well, we didn’t know the Iraqis would resist us, see.  We are the light of the world but the turban heads didn’t see it that way.  We had to do everything in a hurry.  No, there was no forward planning). 

The GSA has been found to be corrupt and the head of it has refused to resign  (it’s o.k if Republicans are corrupt.  We pay tax ,it’s our money)

 $1.2bn earmarked to train the Iraqi police has gone missing and cannot be accounted for.  31 people closely associated with this program have been assassinated to keep their mouths shut, presumably.  (Well I had it in a paper bag and must have dropped it in the street.  You can’t expect us to keep hold of a paper bag.)

$600m was budgeted for the largest US Embassy in the world, and so far the project is $444m overspent. The Kuwaiti company involved is accused of corruption, kidnapping and slave labor.   (It just shows what can happen when you introduce the private profit motive.  If the US Government had done the job it would  $1bn overspent.  In any case the guy running the Kuwaiti company is a buddy of mine).

The Inspector General appointed to keep the Iraqi government reasonably honest has actually impeded all investigations, and has been forced to resign because of links with  Blackwater.  (I was Bush’s local a gas station
attendant before I got this job.  You can’t expect me to understand all that
stuff ).

Epicurus would  have the lot of them jailed.


  1. And protest came there none! (Oh, there’s a guy called Bill Moyers. He’s the fellow I got most of this from. It’s kosher. It comes straight from Congressional inquiries. Otherwise, silence. So much for superior moral rectitude among religious right.)

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